Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Cleaning up

Currently a lot of work is going into getting the repository clean again.

A lot of files have been placed in directories where they shouldn't be. For example, the directory src/sys shoudn't have existed.

We've been moving most files out to where they ought to be. For example, the error directory, which contained the panic function, has been moved to the kern directory, which by the way has been renamed to andromeda.

This generated a file name conflict with the output binary, and as such we renamed that to andromeda.bin.

In the mean time I've been working on support for multitasking. We've covered quite a lot of ground there, but as we speak a lot of code still has to be written. For example, we still don't have the possibility of switching contexts. Something I think is mandatory for multitasking. Now of course it can be done through some weird function pointer using scheduler, but I personally prefer to go with a traditional task switch.

What does that mean?

Well, basically it means that when an interrupt comes along, before we do anything else, we push all our registers to stack. When the interrupt is handled a couple more functions are called, probably pushing more onto the stack.

When the time comes to switch tasks, what we do is we only store the stack pointer, just before the moment we swap the memory context, by loading another page directory pointer.

When we have to load the old task again, all we have to do is first restore the directory pointer, and then use a link in kernel space (which is always present) to restore the stack pointer.

When we then return to the interrupt handler, the registers will be restored to the state when the process was interrupted and the interrupt will be finished.

Basically that's the normal task switch. Does it sound complex? A little. Does it have to be this way? No, but it sure is the most extensible way of doing things. When a new register is added, all we have to do is remember to push in onto the stack in the interrupt handler and the rest can be dealt with in a more generic location.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Out with the ugly hacks

Considering the present time (0:14, at UTC+1) I'm going to keep this one short.

I've been working on getting scheduling working, and I found the GDT trick to be a little bit of a nuisance. As it turns out, I had a design in mind as a replacement for this trick.

What does it do?

Basically what we want is to have the kernel start at somewhere very high in memory, both tricks allow us to migrate the kernel code without endangering our more volatile code.

The GDT trick requires us to exploit some feature in the CPU which isn't guaranteed (as far as I could find). Now this doesn't sound very nice, and isn't really portable too.

Now what I did was remove this trick and enabled paging very early on. This means that paging will actually replace the function of the GDT trick. Now this was kinda tricky since booting with the GDT trick might require one to do some very nasty stuff later on.

This code still exists, so I had to enable that in the paging trick. Basically what we have now works.

More info on this can be expected later.