I was working on getting the decompressed image working, and at this moment, that's more a matter of thinking than writing code.
So what have you done?
Well, I've split up the linker script into one for the decompressed image and the compressed image. I removed the hardware interrupt code from the compressed image, and I've written a new entry point, but this time for the decompressed image (because the linker started complaining).
I also had to do some work on the makefiles, which fortunately for me, is done now.
Where are you going next?
Well, there are still some issues related to expanding the code. For example I don't want to write an #ifndef around every source file I don't want in the compressed image. Unfortunately I still don't quite know how to do this. It will probably boil down to rewriting the Makefiles though.
I also want to get some space from grub to put the heap for the compressed image. I don't know how I'm going to do this either, but I think it will be a case of declaring a humongous1 variable which will then be my heap, but if there is a possibility to do this from the linker script, I'll do that, since I think that's a more elegant2 way of coding.
1Something in the region of 32 MiB.
2I consider elegant code to be:
- expandable
- readable
- understandable
- reusable
- stable
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