Sunday, 11 September 2011

Cosmic collision

This blog post marks quite an important moment in what now used to be Andromeda as we know it, since we're doing something bonkers.

Basically what we're doing is calling the boot loader by Michel Megens the Milky way and sped up time.

If you're not aware of what's going to happen in a couple of million years, well, here's a quick explanation: "Boom!"

If that doesn't cut it for you, well, Andromeda and the Milky way are both galaxies (not sweets) and Andromeda is the only galaxy moving towards the Milky way (aka us).

This means the two will collide in a couple of million years and the two galaxies will likely merge.

That's exactly what Openloader and Andromeda (the kernel) are doing. We're fusing.

Since the end result will still be a kernel the name of the kernel will persist, but the project structure will likely change.

In galactic terms this means the two black holes at the centre of the galaxies will revolve around each other but not merge. In project terms, this will mean we have two project leaders.

Michel being involved with the direct hardware interfacing, while Bart will be focussing on the higher level algorithms such as scheduling, paging and other kinds of memory management.

The merging of two galaxies is a lengthy process and often messy. I don't see why the merging of the two projects will be different, but all together we will likely gain more mass and momentum (at least that's the general idea).

You can still use as main repository, but the official one now resides at

We hope the dust of this collision will soon settle down so we can continue what we were doing before this.

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