Basically what I've been working on is getting back to the higher half mode.
The trick I've chosen this time is the GDT trick, designed by Tim Robinson.
What this means is that the image is linked to be at 3GiB and then we use paging to trick the CPU into thinking the code is where it should be.
This is nice and all, but it does make things with physical memory addresses a little harder, and since that's the case I still haven't been able to get paging to work.
The weirdest thing is that the debugging values seem to be correct, while the virtual machine still triple-faults (for non OS-developers, that's basically the PC throwing it's hands up in the air, saying: "I can't fix this, do it your self!").
In the mean time Michel has been continuing work on the ACPI tables.
Besides that there is lack of a clearly defined website to go to for the kernel.
We're working on that, but do keep in mind that we have higher priorities at the moment (such as school).
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